Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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<strong>Welcome to Kroc Ministries</strong> Image

Welcome to Kroc Ministries

"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."
–Psalm 29:11


Worship with Us

Kroc Ministries offer a place where people from all walks of life are welcomed and belong. We gather to study the Bible, worship God and progress together in community so that lives are changed through Jesus.

Being part of The Salvation Army Kroc Center allows us a number of different ways to create community. It doesn't matter who you are or where you find yourself in life, if you want to get closer to Jesus and you want to build Christian community, we would love to have you join us.

Read more about what we believe here.

10AM English
12PM Español

You're invited to join us for worship located in the Kroc Center Chapel. Everyone's welcome!

Each week, we come together and worship using a blend of contemporary music, classic hymns, stories of encouragement, and sermons based on Biblical truth.  From lifelong Christians to first-time church goers, we welcome everyone to Kroc Ministries. 

Stay updated by following Salem Kroc Ministries on Facebook

Mid-Week Worship

 Mid-week Bible Studies give an opportunity to dig deeper into God’s Word to gain understanding, knowledge and wisdom.  We can live more powerful lives and expect to experience the joy and peace that comes with walking close to the Lord.

English Wednesday 10AM | Spanish Friday 6:45PM
All women are invited to share a time of worship including study, small group discussion, prayer, and fellowship.

English Saturday 10AM
Join us for fellowship as we study God's word and how it applies to our lives today.

CCM is a program that carries out Christ's commission to care for those in need. This Program includes, but is not limited to, visiting nursing homes, jails, institutions, and shut-ins. CCM's heart is to care for others in a practical, meaningful way.


Meet the Ministry Team

Captains Deanna & Quinton Markham
Corps Officers

Captains Quinton and Deanna Markham are native Oregonians, having been born in the Coos Bay area.  They met in 1989 and have now been married for almost 30 years. 

Prior to becoming officers (ordained ministers) in 2015, Quinton was a youth worker in The Salvation Army for 29 years, and Deanna worked in Salvation Army administration, human resources, donor maintenance and youth work for 20 years.  Prior to being assigned to Salem, they were the corps officers and administrators at the Red Shield Community Center in Modesto, California for four years. 

The Markhams have two young adult sons, Elias and Bramwell.  Quinton enjoys watching sports, collecting shower caps and listening to the Beatles.  Deanna likes romantic comedies, country crafts and taking care of her boys and her dogs.

The Markhams are honored and humbled to serve in leadership of the Salem Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center and are always looking forward to meeting new friends.


Captain Sandra Solis
Associate Corps Officer for Latino Ministries

Sandra leads our Latino outreach and Spanish language services. She grew up in Oxnard, California. Sandra was called to study for Officer Training in The Salvation Army in 2015, and was commissioned as an officer (ordained minister) in 2017. 

In her capacity as associate officer for Latino Ministries, she engages with the community, prepares sermons and preaches the Gospel in Spanish, and works with youth. When she’s not participating in community and program development with The Salvation Army, Sandra enjoys spending time hiking, reading, watching anime, and playing with her dog Oliver, a Black Labrador Retriever. 


Oficial Asociado del Cuerpo para Ministerio Latino

Sandra dirige nuestro ministerio Latino y servicios en español. Creció en Oxnard, California.  Tuvo el llamado de Dios a estudiar en el seminario de oficiales en el Ejército de Salvación en 2015, y fue comisionada como oficial (ministra ordenada) en 2017. 

En su capacitación de oficial asociada del ministerio Latino, se involucra con la comunidad, prepara sermones y predica el Evangelio en español, y trabaja con los jóvenes. Cuando no está participando en el desarrollo de la comunidad y los programas con el Ejército de Salvación, a Sandra le gusta pasar el tiempo caminando, leyendo, viendo anime y jugando con su perro Oliver, un Labrador Retriever negro. 



Prayer Requests

"...and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

—Ephesians 6:18

If you would like a minister to pray for you or a loved one, please fill-out the form below. You can also submit a prayer request at the front desk, or call our team by clicking the button below.

Call Our Team

Have Questions?

We're here for you! Contact our helpful and caring staff today and we will be happy to help you with whatever you need.

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