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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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The BEST Day Camps for Summer. And Fall, Winter, Spring...

The Salem Kroc Center has all-day-long camps every school break.

About Kroc Camps!

Every week of Kroc Camps is a unique opportunity to learn new life skills, and a place to make new friends. For parents, Day Camp does more than just provide peace of mind that your children are well cared for, it also provides assurance that your children continue to develop their talents and abilities throughout the year. Day Camp can provide childhood experiences and friendships, which will benefit children for a lifetime. We consider it a great privilege to have your children entrusted to us and strive to continually expand and improve the care and services we offer. Open to all, though members get a discount and priority for sign-ups.

Day Camp All Year Round

When school is out for a day or a week, Kroc Camps are here for your family. Kroc Day Camps present seasonal themes and activities along with camp favorites like swimming and rock wall. Our camps feature Christian values and a fun daily Bible lesson led by The Salvation Army Kroc camp staff. Camps run 9AM-4PM, with early 7:30AM drop-off and extended 5:30PM pick-up times included. Snacks and lunch are also included. 

Year-Round Camp Schedule

Over the Summer, from June through August, our Day Camps offer ELEVEN weeks of camps and dozens of fun themes to choose from! Themes include Art, Science, LEGO, Theater, Wizards, Dinos, Desserts, Sports, Reptiles, Swim, and more.

Discounted prices for Kroc Center members. Save when booking multiple weeks.

Day Camp Financial Aid is Available: 25-50% OFF!
If you receive benefits from State or Federal agencies, your kids may be prequalified for a discount to Kroc Day Camps.


  • Sign up at the Front Desk only
  • Find camps from the online catalog or the listings on the Camps page
  • Ask at Front desk for Camps Program Scholarship
  • Present proof of benefits through Oregon’s ONE eligibility system, examples include Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, or ERDC programs. Other federal programs such as SSI, SSD, or HeadStart may also qualify you for a scholarship
  • Fill out Camp paperwork for each child
  • Pay when reserving discounted sessions
  • See your child at CAMP!

The process takes 30-60 mins to enroll and complete sign up forms.

Camp Policies


Drop-off and pick-up occur next to the playground at the following times:

Drop-Off: 7:30 am-9 am Pick-Up: 4:00 pm-5:30 pm

Campers must be signed in and out of camp each day by a

Parent/Authorized Adult with a current photo I.D. Children will be released only to those listed on the Camp Waiver form as “authorized to pick-up”. No child is allowed to sign-out of camp by themselves.

A 24-hour notification is needed for late drop-off or early pick-up if the event has been pre-planned. A phone call to the Camp Supervisor in the case of unexpected absence or schedule changes is required.

Consistent late pick-up may be penalized with a late fee.


Monetary refunds will not be issued unless a Day Camp session is canceled by the Kroc Center or for extenuating circumstances such as death in the family, illness, etc. All refunds require an approval through the Camp Programs Coordinator. If the program is canceled by the Kroc Center, you will be given a full credit or cash refund.

Withdrawal from a program or class 7 or more days prior to the start of camp session: results in a refund, minus a $45 nonrefundable deposits or registration fees. Withdrawal from a program or class 6 days or less prior to the start of camp session: results in a credit on a Kroc Center Gift Card, minus the $45 non-refundable deposits or registration fees.

A refund request form must be completed within one week of cancellation. Refunds placed on gift cards are applicable towards any Kroc Center Program or merchandise and are not redeemable for cash. Please see the current Program Guide for the full cancellation policy.

No credits or pro-rated credits will be issued for partial attendance at a camp or missed days of camp due to illness, behavior issues, or any other reason.


Each camper must have a parent or guardian sign a camp waiver and supply correct and updated medical information in regards to their child(ren). Waiver(s) must be completed and signed prior to camp participation, preferably at time of registration.


As a parent, if your child has any special medical needs, please include these with the desired response on the Registration Form. These will include, but are not limited to, any medical or behavioral diagnoses that may affect your child’s experience at camp. Updates can be made throughout the summer based on a case-b-case basis and will be reported directly to the Camp Supervisor. By providing this information, you are providing our staff with the knowledge and ability to provided the best care possible for your child. Please note that there will be no nurse/doctor on-call at The Kroc Center.


Swim tests to determine ability (for safety purposes) will be conducted on the first day of camp by our Camp Staff. Once ability is established, children will be allowed to participate in designated areas. Appropriate swim attire is required. Counselors will assist children at all times while in the pool and both areas will be fully staffed with trained, certified lifeguards. Children must be at least 48” tall in order to have safe access to the large water slide.


Any day camp visitors for all children and staff will be required to sign-in, and will be given a name tag to identify the individual as a visitor of Camp Kroc.


Lost & Found items will be kept for a period of two weeks after a session, then donated to the local Salvation Army Thrift Store. Lost & found items is located in the Camp Supervisors Office.


In the case of medication distribution, parents must complete our Medication Information Form. This releases The Kroc Center from liability for medication that is required for distribution for the health of a child. Medication must be dropped off to the AM Lead in the original prescription container with your child’s name printed on the label and placed in a plastic bag. Medication will be stored in the Camp Supervisor’s office and administered at the time(s) and in the amount designated by the Medication Information Form. Parents must sign out medication at the end of each day and check back in the following day. Any medication not brought in the appropriate container may preclude camp participation for your child on that day.


Kroc Day Camp is not designed or equipped to handle ill children. If your camper becomes ill while at Kroc Day Camp, our staff will make your child comfortable in an area away from the other campers. Our staff will then contact you (the parent) or one of the individuals you have authorized to pick up your child. If immediate medical attention is needed or if the severity of an injury cannot be correctly established, parents will be notified immediately. The Emergency Medical System (911) will be activated at the discretion of the Camp Supervisor and/or trained Kroc Staff. If staff are unable to reach parents whose child is in need of immediate medical attention, he/she will be transported to the nearest hospital via ambulance and staff will continue to attempt to contact parents. Parents/guardians will be responsible for all emergency medical care expenses.


Cell Phone Policy Social development is one of our top values; use of cell phones creates a distraction and a "disconnect" between campers and the activities being led, as well as their overall involvement with peers and the camp program. Please do not send your camper with a cell phone to camp. Cell phone use is prohibits unless directed by the camps supervisor or other authorized staff. Contact with parents can be made through the office phone lines. Failure to abide by this policy could result in the cell phone or other smart device being taken to the camps office to be picked up by a parent/guardian. If for some reason you would like your camper to have their cell phone with them, it must be put away in their backpack, or they could place it in a lock box in the Camp Office during the day for safe keeping. Please communicate with the camps supervisor if there is a need for your child to have a cellphone at camp.


Please contact the Camp Kroc Coordinator at 503-798-4814 or email [email protected]

Camper Code of Conduct

  1. Campers must stay with their age group and be accompanied by a counselor during all camp Kroc activities.
  2. Campers must remain with camp Kroc staff members at all times unless checked out by an authorized adult with photo I.D.
  3. Camp attendees are expected to respect peers. The Kroc Center Staff and the facility at all times.
  4. The use of foul language, abusive actions and inappropriate behavior is prohibited.
  5. Alcohol and/or drugs are not allowed anywhere on the premises or at any location where Camp Kroc is taking place.
  6. Shirt and shoes must be worn in all areas. Any logos or messages on clothing must be acceptable in a family setting.
  7. Bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, scooters or pets (excluding service animals) will not be allowed inside the facility
  8. The Kroc Center staff reserves the right to dismiss a camper without a refund who does not meet behavior expectations.

Meet Your Camp Supervisor

Kimberly Landers

Have questions about camp? Reach out to Kim via email or phone:


What to Bring to Camp:

Water Bottle


Athletic Shoes



  • Water Bottle: We recommend that you bring a water bottle. It’s going to be a long day and a water bottle is the easiest way to help your child stay hydrated.  
  • Lunch/Snacks: We provide two snacks and lunch daily. However, if your child needs a little more or they would rather food from home, sending them with their own lunch or extra snacks is allowed.  Please keep in mind that we are a peanut-free facility.
  • Swim Suit/Towel: Please bring a swimsuit and towel every day. We typically go swimming on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but also have Splash Zone (water activities) on Tuesday’s, and especially during the summer months you just never know when a camp activity may involve getting a little wet. 
  • Athletic Shoes: Proper athletic closed toed shoes. Campers have the opportunity to utilize our rock wall during camp proper shoes and pants that go at least to right above the knee. 
  • Sunscreen: We cannot provide sunscreen and cannot assist in sunscreen application other than the spray kind, so make sure if you know your child needs sunscreen that either it is applied before camp or it comes in a form they are able to apply themselves or the spray kind a counselor can assist them with. 
  • Backpack: A backpack is to carry the contents they need for the day or for bringing home projects they make at camp. 

What does drop off and pick up look like? 

  • Drop off time begins at 7:30am and ends at 9:00am. 
  • For drop off follow the signs from the main entrance of the Kroc Center to our camp drop off area.  
  • In years past we have had parents walk up and sign in, that process is no longer and drive up drop off and pick up will be how we do it going forward. 
  • Pick Up is between 4:00pm and 5:30pm 
  • The pickup process is similar to the drop off. Follow the signs from the main entrance to the camp pick up area.  
  • Please have your ID ready as we cannot release your child unless we have confirmation that you are authorized for pickup.  
  • You will be charged a late pickup fee if you are more than 10 minutes past 5:30pm. The fee is $10 for every additional 10 minutes that you are late.  
  • If you know you are going to be late please call ahead. *For extenuating circumstances late fees may be waived.  

Is extended care available? 

Yes! And it is included at no extra charge.

  • Camps typically run 9AM to 4PM
  • Kroc Campers can be dropped off after 7:30AM
  • Pick-up time is from 4PM to 5:30PM 

This year Kroc Camps will be providing lunches and snacks for your child. Please notify us of any dietary restrictions and/ or food allergies. You may also provide your child their own lunch and snacks from home

For more details about food service at camp or to receive a sample menu, contact the camp supervisor @ 503-798-4814 or email [email protected]

Do my campers get to use the pool?

  • Yes, each camp swims in the afternoons on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 
  • All swim times are after 1:00pm, but specific times vary depending on the specific camp 
  • Please make sure to send your camper with a swimsuit everyday because on Tuesday’s we have an out side Splash zone time where campers will get wet, and you just never know when a camp in the summer time might get a little wet doing a water activity. 

Do my campers get to use the game room and rock wall? 

  • Yes, we try to get campers two opportunities during the week to use both the game room and the rock wall, although certain camps may spend more time on their camp activities and may only get one time at each place during the week. 

Pricing, what is the Cost? And Why are different camps different prices? 

  • The cost for of camps starts at $255 and is $530 for the 2 week camp 
  • Camps costs vary depending on the camp we are running because some camps costs more for us to run, and we believe in the fair pricing of a camp
  • Some camps also cost more because they include extra things like a field trip or a performance camp 
  • With the cost of camp your camper gets one free t-shirt for the whole summer, and lunch and snacks each day

Are Scholarships available? 

  • Yes, we do offer scholarships through an application process. 
  • You can get the scholarship application off of our website, pick it up at the front desk, or email our camps supervisor to receive a pdf.
  • Our scholarships are need based and our scholarship team reviews the criteria which includes household income and family size. 
  • Depending on what you qualify for we give our scholarships at 25%, 50%, and 75% off the cost of camps. 

Does Kroc camps do field trips? 

  • Yes, Kroc Camps includes fieldtrips within certain camps.  
  • We offer camps that include field trips for all ages 
  • Be sure to check out our camp guide for which camps include a field trip this summer. 
  • Examples for some of the field trips we have taken: Urban Warrior, Silver Creek Falls, the Oregon Zoo, Exitus Escape Rooms, The Rock Boxx, Athletic Edge, Get Air, Super Bounce. 
  • Field trips are not sold individually. 

What should I know if my camper is in a performance camp? 

  • At Kroc Camps we are really proud to be able to offer camps that allow kids to harness and display their talents onstage for their families and friends.
  • Some of the performance camps we have offered in the past are; Hip Hop Camp, Cheer, Musical Theater, Cupcake Wars, and Restaurant week. 
  • For our performance camps be on the lookout for a note home to parents with more details about what campers may need for the week, and the time and place of the performance.
  • Most performances will happen on Friday in the Chapel, although some may happen in our event spaces. 
  • On performance weeks please be ready for anything, because sometimes we have to adjust to other things going on in our building. One year we had to move the Musical Theater performance to a Thursday to accommodate another group using the Chapel. 

What do Fall/Winter/Spring Camps look like? 

  • Fall, Winter and Spring camps look a little different than Summer Camp. Swimming happens every day and there is no Splash Zone on Tuesday’s. 
  • Game room, gym, and rock wall use are also included during camp days.


Watch for Kroc Summer Camp registration to open in Spring. Remember, members get early access to secure their favorite sessions. Camps will sell out.

All summer long, Kroc Camps are jam packed with all The Kroc has to offer. Each camp offers a unique theme with its own activities and adventures. There are over 40 camps to choose from! In addition to the themed activities, kids will scale new heights on the rock wall and make a splash in the pool; every moment promises a blast of fun for an unforgettable Summer adventure! Lunch included. Camp runs 9AM-4PM, with FREE extended care before and after. 

Check out the Kroc Summer Day Camp Guide 2024 PDF Here

Summer Camp Registrations are available in Spring 2025

Check out all the fun themes!

Campers ages 4-5

Campers ages 6-7

Campers ages 8-10

Campers ages 11-13

Junior Leader/Lifeguard ages 13-15


  • Camp runs 9AM-4PM, with FREE extended care before and after!
  • All Day Long! Early drop-off at 7:30AM, pick-up as late as 5:30PM no extra charge!
  • Come prepared for swimming and climbing the rock wall
  • Lunch and snacks are provided. Please contact us for dietary restrictions
  • Our camps feature Christian values and a fun Bible lesson led by Kroc Camp Staff Tuesday-Thursday



Stay up to date with The Kroc Policies

 General Kroc Policies  

Hours of Operation

Regular Camp Hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Drop Off: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM, Monday - Friday
Pick Up: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Monday - Friday
Get Directions

Have Questions?

We're here for you! Contact our helpful and caring staff today and we will be happy to help you with whatever you need.

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